How Cosmetic Injections Are Done, And How To Care For Injection Sites Afterward

16 March 2019
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Cosmetic injections are almost always fillers, but there are chemical injections as well. Depending on which type you opt for, the procedure is slightly different. You may have some after-procedure care instructions to follow as well. The following information on how the procedures are done, as well as after-care instructions, is provided. 

Filler Injections

With filler injections, the cosmetic surgeon will draw marker lines along the lines in your face where you want the filler to be injected. Then he/she will pinch the skin in each area such that the markered line is visible at the very top of the pinched fold.

The filler is injected along the markered line until the entire line has been adequately filled. Then the surgeon lets go of the fold of skin to see how the filler has filled in and plumped up the line in your face. This process is repeated for each line in which you want dermal fillers. 

Chemical Injections

Chemical injections, like Botox, are injected into the facial muscles close to the lines in your face. The result is tightened muscles that draw flesh upward to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The chemicals cause a reaction in the muscle tissue that causes the muscles to become taut and rigid.

Some surgeons may put dots on your face with a washable marker to show where the injections will go, but usually, chemical injections always go in very specific spots on your face anyway. Thus, the marker dots are rarely necessary. 

Aftercare for Your Cosmetic Injections

You generally stay within the surgeon's office for a few minutes just to make sure you do not have a bad reaction to what was just injected into your face. Most people do not have much of a reaction at all, but that does not mean you will not be one of the small percentage of patients that go into anaphylactic shock or swell up and itch because of the injections. If everything seems within the realm of normal, you are free to go.

When you go home, do not touch or squeeze your face in the injection areas. Doing so can cause some filler or chemical to squeeze or leak out of your injection sites. Give your face at least a day or two to heal.

Do not worry about sleeping on your side at night as that will not bother the injections. Expect to see some mild redness, mild swelling, and a slight bit of itchiness as your skin adjusts to fillers. Swelling, redness, and hot-to-the-touch are common with the chemical injections. If anything looks really bad or out of the ordinary, see your surgeon as soon as possible. 

For more information about cosmetic injection procedures, speak with a cosmetic surgeon.
