Helpful Things You Need To Know About Allergies

7 October 2015
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Many people suffer from allergies. Allergies can be very confusing at times because even though you may think that the response is immediate and obvious, there are some delayed response allergies that can cause reactions even days after the food has been consumed. Here are some things you need to know about allergies.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are when the immune system becomes confused and labels something as being a threat, even though it is not dangerous. For example, a peanut is not a threat to the body. However, a person with an allergy to peanuts has an immune response whenever they come in contact with peanuts. It is not a conscious thing; the body is simply confused. When the person eats a peanut, the body goes into overdrive trying to reject the peanut, and in so doing actually puts the person at risk. Thus, allergies are quite ironic. The immune system thinks it is protecting the individual when really it is putting them in more danger by creating the allergic response.

How Do You Know You Have Allergies?

Like previously mentioned there are many different ways allergies can present themselves. For example, a severe response is anaphylaxis. This is when the body immediately rejects the allergen by closing the airways, making the body swell, and even vomiting. However, some of the symptoms are subtler. You might drink a glass of milk and simply break out into a rash, have digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation, eczema, or even have a feeling of panic. Although these symptoms are not as dangerous, over time they can cause long-term damage to the body. This is why it is important to identify allergies so that you can protect yourself.

Are There Tests and Treatments For Allergies?

There are tests and treatments for allergies. You may be feeling sick, but may not know the cause of it. You can keep a food journal, which will help, or you can choose to get a blood test or scratch test that can give you definite results as to what is causing your reactions.

After you discover the allergy, there are treatments that you can get through the allergist. Immunotherapy helps to introduce the body to small traces of the allergen and the build up until the body learns that it is not a threat. Talk to your allergist about your options.

By understanding allergies you can protect yourself. For more information, talk to a professional like Asthma and Allergy Clinic.
